(This guide was created by Borengora, level 60 orc hunter from the Twisting Nether server. All credit is due to him for this wonderfall guide. Date: 12/17/2006)
6. Grouping as a Hunter (a.k.a.: Not being a Newb Hunter)
have grouped with some excellent hunters (Shingouken, Orcana, and many others), and I have grouped with some horrid hunters (who will remain nameless). I can easily see where we get our bad name as group members. However, if you play your class right, you will astound and amaze your group members and will get invited back, not to mention proving that hunters are truly an astounding class to group with. Here are a few simple guidelines to follow:
A. Bring Arrows. Nothing’s worse than going over the strat for a boss and hearing your hunter mumble, “Um…I only have 4 arrows left. Should I off-tank?”
B. Keep your pet on Passive, so he doesn’t aggro the whole damn dungeon.
C. Don’t use Multishot near CC’d targets. Mages will shun you.
D. Turn off Growl to help the tank maintain aggro.
E. Learn to use Freeze Trap well, and you will be remembered.
F. If the warrior wants to pull, let him pull. It’s not worth fighting over.
G. Roll on what you need, but don’t be an ass. You want +Agi, +Crit, +AP, and maybe a little +Stam or +Int. Leave the strength for the warriors and rogues. I don’t care if you’re a survival-specced hunter. You’re the ones giving the rest of us decent hunters a bad name.
H. Don’t use Aimed Shot until the tank has solid aggro
I. If the mob does lots of physical damage, hit him with Scorpid Sting to take the strain off your healers.
J. Protect The Healers!!! If a mob heads toward them, send your pet on it (turning on growl, as well), Raptor Strike and spam Wing Clip for free aggro and hope you pull it off. Your healers will love you (and therefore not let you die), and you’ll help prevent a wipe.
K. It’s only OK to roll on leather if the rogues/druids don’t want it. You have mail stuff to choose from. Get over it; that’s just the way it is. How pissed would you be if a warrior stole your Runed Bloodstained Hauberk because he liked the +crit and +AP?
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