Fumi's pet guide, everything about pets

(This guide was created by Fumi, level 70 Night Elf hunter of the eu server. All credit goes to her for this wonderful guide. Date: 03/02/2007)

Contents of this guide
- Finding a pet / types of pets
- Taming a pet
- Naming your pet
Training your pet
- Feeding your pet
- Giving abilities to your pet
- Levelling your pet
- Pet stats
- Loyalty Playing with your pet
- The pet action bar
- In combat
- Healing
- Fleeing
- Dungeons
- Obstacles
Stable Master
Useful websites

At level 10, every hunter gets a quest from their hunter trainer to learn how to tame a pet. Be sure to take that quest and complete it until the very end! After that you can have up to three pets. This guide will tell you everything you have to know about your pets. If you think anything is missing, or if you still have a question, feel free to post it here. This guide is build up very easily. Every paragraph starts with a title, followed by a long detailed text, and it ends with a short summary. To use this guide, just look for the right paragraph and read the summary. If you still have a question you can read all the details, or ask it.

Finding a pet / types of pets
Beasts live anywhere. But what kind of pet do you want? Basically, there are three types of pets:
- Defensive pets have a little more armor, but deal a little less damage. Defensive pets are those that have a high family modifier in either armor or health. For armor, a high modifier is +10% or above; for health, it is +4% or above.*
- Offensive pets deal a little more damage, but have a little less armor. Offensive pets are those that have a high family modifier -- +5% or above -- in DPS.*
- Well-round pets are somewhere in between. A well-rounded pet has no high family modifiers, the medium modifiers are balanced between offensive (DPS) and defensive (health and armor).* The difference is very small, so if you go for looks that’s not a problem. For more info on what kind of pet you have or for some stats: http://petopia.brashendeavors.net/
Click on "Pets Stats & Analysis" for all the global stats and the stats per pet type (direct link: http://petopia.brashendeavors.net/html/articles/stats_main.shtml). Some beasts are elite or have special names (and are stronger). After taming they will be just like any other beast, but they may sometimes have a special skin, what makes them unique. Their stats won't be different from normal beasts!

* according to Petopia. There are defensive, offensive and well-round pets. Elite or unique beasts won't be stronger than normal beasts after taming.

Taming a pet
The trainer first asks you three times to tame a specific type of beast. After you’ve done that you get the taming skill. But be sure to also take the follow up, which gives you the skill to feed and train your pet.
Once you can tame, train and feed a pet it’s time to tame one!
But you cannot tame everything you see in the wild. You may only tame monsters marked as “Beast” and even not all of them. Kodo’s (f.i.) are not tameable. No worries, most pets are tameable. With some luck your pet even has a nice extra skill. Skills will be discussed later.
You can use the spell Beast Lore to see if a certain beast is tameable, and what it's diet is. There is one more but, you can only tame beast of your own level or below. Just go out in the wild and find yourself a pet you like, then try to tame it. Don’t forget that you cannot tame a beast if you already control a pet. Dismissing won’t work. Store your pet at the Stable Master, or abandon it (which is permanent) if you want to tame another one.
Be careful though, if you start taming a pet it starts attacking you. This does not interrupt your taming, but if you’re not careful it might get you killed, especially if the taming fails. It takes 20 seconds to tame a pet. If you can place a Freeze Trap, do so. The pet gets stuck in the ice, so it cannot attack you. This does not stop or interrupt your taming process. If other people (in your team, or not in your team) attack the beast, the taming will fail as well. So if you want to tame a pet inside a dungeon, make sure the team does not attack it!
Some beasts are very big when you see them. After you've tamed them they may shrink, so don't be surprised if this happens. The looks will be the same, it's only the size that changes a bit. For a list of looks of several pets you can have a look at this website: http://petopia.brashendeavors.net/ There you can also see what skills that pet has, and where you can find that pet. Some pets require a higher level than 10 or 11, so maybe you cannot yet tame the best looking pet. In that case it’s best to find yourself another pet, one you can tame.

You can tame a beast by selecting it and then pressing “Tame Beast”. You only tame beasts of your level and below. The taming will stop when other players attack the beast.

Naming your pet
Each pet you tame has the name “Cat” or “Wolf or “Owl” or whatever type of pet you tamed. You can give it a custom name only once per tamed pet. Think about a name very carefully, because renaming is impossible. There are a few tricks to give another name to your pet, which are a lot of trouble. To name your pet, right-click on the pets portrait and press the “Rename” button. You get a small window where you can enter a name. After pressing the okay button you get one last confirmation. After that the name is set and cannot be undone.

If you are unhappy with the name of your pet there are only 2 options:
1. Abandon the pet by right-clicking the portrait and clicking on “Abandon”. A confirmation window appears, warning you that you will permanently abandon your pet.
After this you can tame a new pet with the same looks, and give it the name you want. The problem is that a pet with the same skin is much lower level than you, or much higher. So that means you have to level up more, or you’ll have to level a new pet all the way up.
2. This is an option I will not advice. You can contact a GM to ask him/her to change the name of your pet. This might however only work if the name of your pet is against the naming policies or - on a roleplaying realm - against the additional roleplaying naming policies I repeat myself: I do not advice using this option, it’s a lot of trouble, and you shouldn’t give your pet a name against the policies to start with.

You can name your pet by right-clicking on it's portrait and pressing the button "rename". This can only be done once!

Training your pet
Now that you have tamed a pet it’s time for some training. Don’t go into fight yet! There are some other things you must know first. Have you seen that your pet’s portrait is now under your own portrait? The bars of your pet shows his health (green bar) and focus (red/orange bar) and it’s happiness level. A few pets use mana instead of focus, in that case they have a blue bar. (I haven't found mana using pets yet, I've been told that Serpents and Warp Stalkers might use mana, but I've tamed those for their skills, and they used focus. Maybe they used mana some time ago, and maybe that's changed with a patch.) You pet might be able to do a skill, if not you can learn them a skill. All skills require focus, just like you need mana for your skills. Skills will be discussed a little bit later. First it’s important to be sure your pet is happy. To do that you need to feed it.

Feeding your pet If the happiness level of your pet shows “Unhappy” (red picture) or “Neutral” (yellow picture) you’ll have to feed your pet. You can also mouse over the happiness logo and read what it says. By doing so you can also see that at lower happiness it deals less damage. If you have just tamed a pet, it’s automatically unhappy with you. To feed your pet, open your spellbook and go to the Beastmastery tab. Look for the “Feed Pet” spell and click on it (you might want to drag it to one of your actionbars). Then select some food from one of your bags, with the glowing cursor.

Instead, you can also directly select food from a bag, left click on it and then left click it again on your pet. What’s that you say? Your pet doesn’t like the food? Maybe you gave your pet the wrong type of food. Not every pet likes it all. Cats only eat meat, while a turtle eats only fish, fruit and fungus. And boars eat almost everything. If you want to know what your pet likes, press [shift] + p. You have just opened your pet window. In the upper left corner you can see the happiness level again. Mouse over it and you can see what it eats (Diet: …). In most capital cities you can find meat vendors, bread vendors and fruit vendors. If you don’t have the needed type of food with you, buy a little bit. At higher levels you might need higher level food. You can also find food in the wild. Most beasts drop meat if they get killed, but other mobs can also drop fruit or bread.

Now you have the correct type of food, feed your pet 1 food. Click on your pet or it’s portrait to select it. You now see a buff with a little food icon. This means your pet is eating. Slowly the happiness is rising. If you send it into combat now, the eating stops, and the happiness won’t rise anymore. After the pet is finished eating, it might not yet be fully happy (green happiness logo). Feed it again until it’s done eating. By now it should be happy, if not feed it again.
Over time your pet loses happiness and needs to eat again. Also, when it dies it loses 1 happiness level and you’ll have to feed it. Unhappy pets leave you after a while!
You can make the feeding easier by using an addon or macro. Read the addon and macro paragraph for more info.

Feed your pet when it’s Neutral or Unhappy by pressing the “Feed Pet” button and then select food from your bag.

Giving abilities to your pet
If your pet has an ability, like Bite, you cannot yet teach it to any other pet. Go and fight some with your new pet. After a few fights you should get a message in your chatwindow, saying you’ve learned the spell. It’s now available to other pets you tame.

Another way to get new abilities for your pet is to visit the Pet Trainer. Those usually can be found near a Hunter Trainer. The Pet Trainer teaches you how to give your pet extra stamina, armor or specific resistances. It also gives you the ability to learn your pet how to Growl, which is very useful if you go out into the wild alone, with only your pet with you.

Good, you got yourself some nice tricks for your pet. Now open your spellbook and go to the General tab. Look for the button “Beast Training” and click it. This is like the spellbook for your pet. If you select a skill you can see how many training points are needed, and what level is needed. That level is the level of your pet, not your level!

Your new pet probably has no training points yet, so you can only learn it Growl. Do so, you’ll see it’s very useful.

If your pet gains loyalty (coming to that later) and levels it gains training points, which you can spend for other abilities. Some abilities still can’t be learned by your pet, because some abilities are for specific types of beasts only. F.i. Prowl can only be learned by cats.

Every pet can learn Great Stamina, Natural Armor and the several nature resistances. But this is where it gets tricky. You cannot learn the highest rank of everything! So you’ll have to choose. That choice is totally up to you. For beginners who are just levelling up I would advice to take Natural Armor and Great Stamina. The resistances, like Fire Resistance are more useful in endgame dungeons (level 60 without The Burning Crusade, or level 70 with TBC).

There is one very tricky thing about giving your pet new skills. If you have learned your pet Great Stamina rank 1, which requires 5 training points, you can learn it Great Stamina rank 2, if it has only 5 training points left, and the right level. If you learn it a higher rank, the training points from the previous rank are “refunded” though it’s not visible. So if your pet knows rank 1, which costs 5 training points, you can learn it rank 2, which costs 10 training points, even though you see that your pet has only 5 training points left.

Any specific skills can be found here: http://www.goodintentionsguild.info/hunters.html That website also tells you what pets hold the skill you want.

A level 60 pet with loyalty level 6 has 300 Training Points to spend. At level 70 it has 350 Training Points. If you want to know the amount of Training Points for your pet, you can use this formula: Training Points = PetLevel * (LoyaltyLevel - 1)

If you have learned your pet an ability, but it didn't show up on the Pet Action bar, or if you removed it by accident, you can simply get it back by opening your own spellbook (p by default) and then go to the Pet tab, which is found at the bottom. There's a list of all the skills your pet has!

You can learn skills from the Pet Trainer or by taming wild beasts. The “Beast Training” button opens your pet-spellbook from where you can learn skills to your pet.

Levelling your pet
Levelling your pet is very easy. If you have your pet active and defeat monsters that give you experience, your pet also gets experience. But it only works if your pet is at a lower level than you are! As soon as it’s at the same level as you, it won’t get any experience anymore, until you are a higher level again. At level 70, you won’t get anymore experience, but if your pet isn’t level 70 yet, it will still get experience for monster that have a green, or higher level.

Your pet doesn't have to fight in the combat. If it's on Passive and only stands next to you, it can still gain experience.

If you are level 70 and your pet is level 10, it won’t get experience from level 11 monsters! That’s why it’s very hard to level up a low level pet.

Your pet will only get experience from kills, not from quests! So that's why you can still level up a bit faster. To level lowlevel pets fast, it's easiest to kill level 62 monsters, those are the lowest to give experience. Another method of leveling a lowlevel pet fast is doing 5 men dungeons. This gives less experience per monster, but monsters do get killed faster in a group, so it's more monsters per minute. 10 or more men raids are usually very slow methods for pet leveling.

Your pet only gets experience when you do, and only if it’s at a lower level than you are, until it’s at your level. Pets won't get experience from quests.

Pet stats
Every pet has the same base stats.Those stats increase every level. The type of pet you have also has a little influence on those stats. All the stats can be found at


The link "Base Pet Attributes by Level" has all the base stats per level, while the link "Family Roles" tells you everything about you need to know about the changes in the stats, affected by pet type. You can upgrade the stats of your pet with several talents from the Beast Mastery talent tree. Buff from scrolls, or other classes (like Power Word Fortitude) can also give your pet a nice boost.

Your own stats also have some effect on the stats of your pet. That influence is very easy, according to Petopia:

Starting with Patch 2.0, hunter pets now benefit from "pet scaling". Pet scaling just means that your pet gets to add some of your stats to his own stats, so that his power scales with your power. The basics are very simple: # Pets get about 30% of the hunter's stamina added to their stamina. # Pets get about 35% of the hunter's armor added to their armor. # Pets get about 22% of the hunter's ranged attack power added to their melee attack power. # Pets get about 12.5% of the hunter's ranged attack power added to their spell damage. # Pets get about 40% of the hunter's resistances added to their own resistances.

Pets have basic stats, which are affected by their family, talents, buff and the hunter stats.

The higher the loyalty of your pet, the more Training Points your pet has. The maximum loyalty is level 6. By pressing [shift] + p you open your pet window. On top you can see the loyalty of your pet. At lower loyalty levels your pet might not listen to you when you give it a command. Pets with happiness Neutral or Happy will gain loyalty. You also need to fight with your pet in order to increase loyalty. If a pet has a lower

Playing with your pet
Fighting with your pet means you control yourself fully and your pet only for some part. For how much you control your pet depends on the settings in the pet action bar.

The pet action bar Above your own action bar is an extra action bar for your pet, as long as your pet is active. This action bar has three standard options, followed by some empty spaces or trained skills, and three other standard settings. I’ll describe all the standard actions and settings and also explain how to use the custom skills.

This is the most left button. Simply select an enemy and press the attack button, and your pet goes attacking that enemy.
If there’s a yellow bar around this option, your pet will always walk next to you, or a little behind you. After a fight is comes back to you and will follow you again.
Makes your pet to stop. It won’t follow you and won’t move, unless you command it to attack, or it goes attacking a nearby enemy (when your pet is on Aggressive or Defensive). After an attack it moves back to the location where you made it stop.
When your pet is set on Aggressive it will automatically attack any enemy that’s close to you or your pet. In most cases this option isn’t really helping. There are some cases where this option is useful…try and learn for yourself!
In this mode your pet will also automatically attack enemies, but only enemies that are attacking either you or your pet.
Passive mode makes sure your pet does never attack an enemy, unless you command it to attack.
Custom skills
Custom skills can be very different. Growl is a custom skill that your pet can use to keep or take agro. Other skills can poison a target, daze it, lower attack, or just cause extra damage. There are several skills for your pet. For more info, have a look here: http://www.goodintentionsguild.info/hunters.html The custom skills are on by default. This means the pet uses them automatically at it’s own will. If the button has yellow linings moving around the button this means the pet uses the skill at it’s own will. If you right-click the skill the moving lines will stop. This means the pet will not use the skill. Only if you left-click on it, it will use that skill. Right-click again to set it to on again.

When you go on your mount, the Pet action bar gets grey. Your pet goes on Passive and Follow automatically. You cannot control your pet as long as you're mounted. When you get attacked, a pet may still cast some of it's skills, like Furious Howl, which can attract more enemies. If this happens and if you dn't want this, you may turn the autocast off before mounting.

With your pet action bar you have full control over your pet. Play with it and turn the skills on or off, until you have found the right playstyle.

In combat
You have a pet, you know how to feed it, and you know how to control your pet. There is one more thing you must know, then we can go for some action!

Be sure your pet has learned Growl, and make sure it’s used automatically if you go fighting without someone to tank (like a warrior, or druid in bear form). Remember the fighting without your pet? You fire arrows at the enemy, it gets too close and you have to use your other weapons to attack it. Those other weapons deal only a few damage. Now your pet will growl and keep the enemy busy. Ready?

Select an enemy and make your pet attack it. Then just fire the enemy. Your pets keeps the enemy away from you, and it also does some extra damage! Basically, from now on this is how you fight. But beware: sometimes you deal so much damage, the growl from your pet can’t keep up with it and the enemy still comes after you. It happens, you can melee it, or you can use your tricks to get some distance to shoot again (I’m not going to tell you those, this guide is about pets, remember?).

Select an enemy and send your pet to attack it. Then you can fire from a distance with a large chance the enemy won’t attack you.

The Hunter Trainer will learn you the ability Mend Pet, which you can use to heal your pet. If your pet is getting low on health, you can heal it with Mend Pet. You can also bandage your pet if you got the First Aid profession, but that will only be useful out of combat. If you bandage your pet in combat, the bandaging will stop if your pet gets a hit from an enemy.

Heal your pet with Mend Pet when in combat. Out of combat you can also use bandages.

This is most effective after level 30, if you can Feign Death. Before level 30 it’s only effective with 1 or 2 enemies and when they attack your pet. Sometimes you find that you cannot take down an enemy, or multiple enemies show up, more than you can handle. It’s time to make a run for it! First, try to run away from the monsters. Then Feign Death, so the monsters either go back to their location, or go after your pet. Then stand up, switch to Aspect of the Cheetah and run. Be sure not to run into other enemies! If they attack you, you get dazed. If you are running, put your pet to Passive and command it to follow you. It will keep up with your Aspect of the Cheetah, but won’t get dazed! Sometimes your pet gets killed, or you’ll have to sacrifice it for an escape. Don’t worry, you can resurrect it.

Another, more tricky technique is Feigning Death, and when you're at safe distance you can dismiss your pet. The enemies often reset.

Another method is just fleeing yourself, without taking your pet with you. If the distance between you and your pet is long enough the pet will be automatically dismissed, without losing loyalty. There is a slight risk that your pet gets killed before it's auto-dismissed.

To flee, Feign Death, then run for it with Aspect of the Cheetah. Make your pet to follow you so it has a chance to survive as well.

In a dungeon, always set your pet to Passive. Otherwise it can go after enemies and with that it can pull in new groups of enemies, which is unwanted. Your pet does have the same agro range as you do. Also, be sure to know where your pet is, always.

Also, make sure your pet won’t use Growl in a dungeon. There is always someone to tank, like a warrior or feral druid in bear form. For a tank it’s very hard to take the agro from a pet that is also trying to take agro.

In some cases it can be useful to use Growl. You’ll learn when and when not to use it by trying. For a more detailed guide on using a pet in dungeons you should have a look here: http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=14351597&sid=1

This guide is basically written for the level 60 dungeons though. Also know that most healer wont heal your pet, unless they have the time and the mana for it. Healing players is more important than healing a pet. You can heal it yourself, and you can easily resurrect it when needed. With some luck you get a great healer who often heals your pet as well.

Your pet may have other abilities, like Furious Howl. When those are on autocast they may sometimes be cast when a nearby enemy does an action. With some bad luck you may get attacked when your pet casts such an ability. The enemies go after the pet, before the tanks can get agro, and if nobody was prepared the team may wipe. Be sure you know what abilities are safe and which aren't!

Make sure your pet is on Passive and that Growl is turned off. Your pet is on the bottom of the healing list, so don't get angry when it's not healed in time.

Sometimes you need to jump down a cliff or something in order to proceed. Especially in dungeons it’s important to know how your pet will react. If possible, the pet won’t jump, but will walk the long way around to you. When it does, it can pull full groups of enemies with it. This isn’t what you wanted. In a dungeon your entire team might get a bit angry at you if that happens! Here’s how to guarantee a safe jump. Actually, there are 2 options:

1. Most people will find this the best option: Dismiss your pet (not abandon, just dismiss), jump down the cliff and call your pet again.

2. Put your pet on Wait, so it won’t move anywhere. Use Eyes of the Beast to gain full control over the movement of your pet. Then use it to jump your pet down. Then go out of the Eyes of the Beast by waiting until the 1 minute is over, or by right-clicking the Eyes of the Beast buff next to your minimap. Be sure to keep your pet in Wait all the time. Jump down yourself. Once down, you can turn your pet into Follow mode again.

When jumping down, make sure you know what your pet does. Dismiss it, jump down and call it back again.

Stable Master
At pretty much every inn, and in every big city is a Stable Master. There you can stable pets you are not using, so you can train or tame another pet. Talk to the Stable Master to stable or take pets. There are three slots for a pet. The most left slot is the pet that is with you. The two others are for pets that are stabled. You will have to buy those two slots one time to use them. They’re very cheap.

You can drag pets between slots to move them to you or the Stable Master. It might be wise to have one slot empty all the time, so you can store your own pets when you ever want to tame another beast for a skill only. You can have only one pet with you. If you want to tame a new beast, you cannot have a pet with you.

You can have only one pet with you. Other pets can be stored at a Stable Master.

You can make some easy macro’s to make working with your pet easier. Yes, even you can make those macro’s. Simply open a chatwindow by pressing [enter] and typing “/macro”, then press [enter] again. Make a new macro by clicking on “New”, find a sign icon for it and name it. Once that’s done you must enter the code. You can [shift] + click a code from your spellbook for a /cast code. Or you can copy and paste the codes below.

To feed your pet with one simple click:
# show Roasted Quail
/cast Feed Pet
/use Roasted Quail

You can remove the Roasted Quail part and type another name for other food.
You can also [shift] + click the food from your bag for the name. The "# show" part causes the macro's name to disappear and put the number of food you have left. on the button instead. You can make a macro with "# show " always to easily see how many of that item you have. Don't forget to place the macro on an action bar.

To send your pet into attack and cast Hunter’s Mark:
/cast Hunter’s Mark

If you also add a line “/cast Auto Shot” you will also start your own Auto Shot.

There are also addons you can use. A document on how to use them is usually comes with the addon.

This addon adds some info to the tooltip. If you mouse over a beast that might be able to learn you a skill, it’s shown in the tooltip.

There are also several addons that help you feed your pet. You will still have to click a button, or press a key on your keyboard to do so (yes, with some addons you can bind a key to it). A small list can be found here:
http://wow-en.curse-gaming.com/files/search/?cat=1&q_labels=1&q=feed You can also make the feed macro and bind a key to it (yes, you can bind keys to all your actionbars or just a single button on it).

The zHunter addon got a nice popup bar for your pet abilities (feed/heal/ressurect/etc) http://wow-en.curse-gaming.com/files/details/2610/zhuntermod/
(thanks to Zevena)


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