(This guide was created by Isilwen, level 70 night elf hunter of the eu server. All credit is due to her for this guide. Date: 28/05/2007)
1] Specc 41/20/0 for optimal lulz. http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=ctbM0gxRwuVoVxbRV 2] Specc your pet with avoidence rank 2, highest possible dps talents (claw+bite or lightning breath) and Cobra Reflexes.
3] Dedicate your life to the following macro:
#showtooltip Steady Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/castsequence reset=3 Steady Shot, Auto Shot
/cast [exists,target=pettarget] Kill Command
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()
4] Spam it 'till your fingers hurt
5] Keep Hunter's Mark up and pop Beastial Wrath + Rapidfire + Trinket as soon as they are off cooldown.
I've been raiding a long time now with this specc, and it's still amazing. However the first specc i linked (http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=mebM0xxRwuVoVVbRV) isn't really the cookie cutter one. I've realised too that imp mend pet is just too good to miss out on, so i removed points from Endurance Training to get that. Also I've had some comments about my choice to not take Imp. Hunter's Mark. We roll with 3 hunters normally, two of which have the talent so it felt kinda useless for me to take it. Anyway, I updated the original post to include these talents.
If you find yourself having manaproblems i would get Efficiency over Imp Mark.
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