2200+ Rated 2v2 hunter STRATS! VIDEOS! GUIDE!

(This guide was created by Crimsonlocks, level 70 dawf hunter of the server Frostmane. All credit is due to him for this wonderful guide)

http://hosted.filefront.com/megatf -- Please read disclaimer.

Link to all my video's. When I have adequate video's of every possible combo, map, and REALLY good teams in the upper echelons of 2v2 I will be remaking this ENTIRE strategy guide.

Reading below I don't mention freeze trap often, but I do use it quite a bit, as you'll see in the video's, despite the trinket nerf, it can be really clutch in completely taking a player out of the game for a few seconds if you know when to do it.



I forget to record a lot, Aknot gets mad at me all the time, especially when I forget to record worthy combo's I don't have yet, like rogue druid sigh =/.

THERE IS NO MUSIC ON ANY OF THE VIDEOS! Why? Because these are sopposed to be helpful guides and I don't want to hear the music sucks, if you want to listen to music, pick your favorite songs and play them while watching the video's, you'll enjoy them a lot more. There are no retarded zoomups of LOLOLLEETCRITS. Just me and my dwarf or human priest tearing stuff up. A lot of those teams were from when we were releveling our new team, I'll have better quality fights soon, just pay attention to my movie link, when I make a new strategy guide I'll probably only link the really hard teams after each combo I explain. Our playstyle constantly evolves as we figure out newer and easier ways to beat our combo's.

Our playstyle is constantly evolving as we find easier ways to beat combo's, if you see something I've left out leave a tip for another play to read. I learned one of my best counters for Warrior / Paladin teams thanks to Sciurus-Arygos. It'll help me complete an even more detailed and better strategy guide with video's linked to each combo as I get more.

Random Bits of advice before I start the strategy guide:


We are not BURST DPS class, understand that.

Drink a lot. If your healer and yourself are pretty much good and he can sustain himself and your oom pull the pet off of his target for a split second, feign, drink then send your pet IMMEDIATELY back on the target, get a couple ticks of drinking off and get back into the fight.

On DOUBLE DPS teams use Aspect of the Hawk, on DPS/Healer teams use Aspect of the Viper.

Be mindful of where your priest is AT ALL TIMES. If you LOS your own priest or your letting him get pwnted, then your gonna lose. Use Raid ICONS, It'll help you locate your healer and he'll be able to find you easier through Poles, under bridges ETC.

Do not use Steady Shot or any casted shot while getting beat on, it's really bad and 99% of hunters do this, use steady shot to maximize damage ONLY WHEN YOUR NOT GETTING ATTACKED.

USE LOS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. We can use it just as effectively as they can use it against us.

Dwarf priests are awesome, but if you and your priest are good enough EDIT: ANY priest will work too. Hunter/Druid, Hunter/Paladin, Hunter/Shaman are all viable, just more difficult and longer lasting fights do to the lack of mana burn.

Lots of resilience/Stam is nice without sacrificing too much damage. Look at my setup, I have 1860+ AP with hawk on(But I usually use Viper depending on our opposing team), 30.69% crit, while maintaining 395 resilience, 11,200 hp and 6028 mana. My point is, please balance your stats without gimping anything else.


Get a SCORPION PET. Can't stress it enough, it's critical. Give him full Nature resist, Full Frost Resist, Cobra reflexes, rank 4 scorpid poison, and the second or third highest shadow resist you can give. Rank 4 because it gives 2 chances to apply the poison stack via one, so if you use rank 5 and one of the poisons gets resisted, dodged, parried, whatever then your stacks starts off at ground zero, not really worth it for an extra 30 damage per tick IMO.

This is the Hunter POV on how to fight these combo's, I can give you a basic knowledge of what I know about the priest class but your priest just has to know how to play. I can tell you what mine does in certain situations but I can't give you the nitty gritty of what he does.

Here's a pro-tip vs warrior/paladin, hunter's mark the warrior after freezing him out of LoS of the paladin, giving cleanse a 50% chance to fail and wasting a gcd. (Sciurus-Arygos gave me this tip)

Here's another pro-tip, if they're FFing your pet, have your priest cast heals on your pet long enough for you to dismiss him, usually after the dismissal they forget about the pet and just go for or your partner. I do this everytime my pet gets ff'd.

If your fighting a team with a shaman, make sure your priest dispells heroism/bloodlust.

Macro's that I use:

/focus (Sets my Focus duh)
/cast [target=focus] Viper Sting (Viper sting on focus'd Target)
/cast [target=focus] Silencing Shot (Silencing Shot on Focus'd Target)

Those macros are good because it casts those shots without ever breaking your target. If below I'm telling you to silence/viper sting certain targets, duh, use them as your focus.


It's really important to avoid getting frustrated, and yelling at your partner, at the end of every loss me and my priests talk about what we did wrong, what we can do the next time, and how we'll be more on the ball.

Warlock/Shadowpriest Combo

My favorite combo, everytime I see this it brings a smile to my face, on any map, find a pillar, on blades edge hug the pillar below, Lordaeron dance around the tomb, Nagrand hug one of the four pillars and let them come to you, they are the burst DPS class of course they will.

Use aspect of the hawk. Put down either a snake trap or a frost trap, I usually use a frost trap so me and my warlock can kite around the pole dodging their burst dps. Use silences and scatters accordingly to stop fears/damage on yourself or your priest.

Keep VIPER STING ON THE PRIEST AT ALL TIMES. Every 15 seconds reapply it on the priest, keep kiting around the pole doing minimal damage until the Shadow Priest is drained, when he is, then you don't have to worry about LOS and just DPS the shadow priest down while you keep scatters and silences on the Warlock.

Warlock/Mage Combo


This combo brings a smile to my face too. Again, find a pillar, hug it, this time you wanna apply viper sting on the mage every 15 seconds, KILL HIS PET, if your priest is LOSing correctly he should never get sheeped, you wanna kill the pet to dodge a shatter combo. If you have decent gear the pet should die relatively fast. I recommend keeping frost trap down at all times.

When mage is OOM do like above and DPS mage down your priest should have a mass dispell ready for when he ice blocks, again keep scatters/silences on warlock, at this point I usually just scatter Freeze Trap the warlock until the mage is dead.

It is critical you guys don't let yourselves get chain sheeped over and over, if one of you guys gets chain sheeped the other will die and it's probably because you didn't follow the instructions correctly.

Warlock/Rogue Combo


This combo is tricky and can be REALLY nasty if used correctly. Hug a pillar, keep flare on the ground and use a SNAKE trap, this is key, it REALLY **#@s rogues up. You need to play really defensively, if you let that rogue beat on your priest too long, guess what, you lose. Save scatters for rogues, your priest should be kiting all over the map.

KEEP THE ROGUE SLOWED. After snake trap use frost trap as often as possible, and keep wing clips on him.

Be ready for vanishes, I keybind my flare to CTRL+F and I usually have a flare ready a few feet in front of wear he sprint vanished the second he vanishes, from there you get a concussive shot on him ASAP.

Use silences on the warlock as often as possible, ALWAYS apply Viper sting to the warlock in this situation, force him to use life tap as your battling the rogue because even though your focusing DPS on the rogue your technically doing damage to the warlock too everytime he's forced to lifetap.

When Rogue is dead, seriously don't get too cocky, warlocks can still 2v1, especially if they are soullink, it sucks but it's a fact of WoW. They are OP.

It is important to try and kill that rogue as fast as possible because he is the BIGGEST threat to your healer. When you get more comfortable keeping the rogue slowed with wingclip/conc shot/traps if you know the warlock your fighting isn't specc'd into demonology you can burst him down while your priest effectively kites the rogue all over the map.

Priest/Hunter Combo


Yes it does happen, it's very rare but when you fight this combo, guess who you want OOM first? It's not the priest. Use LOS to your advantage ONLY popping out to Viper Sting while keeping your priest hidden as best you can so he doesn't get the same treatment, when hunter is oom ignore his weak damage, let your priest mana burn his priest while your viper stinging the priest. When priest is almost oom viper sting the hunter again to keep him low and then kill priest. Easy fight if played correctly.

Do not use Steady Shot or any casted shot while getting beat on, it's really dumb and 99% of hunters do this, use steady shot to maximize damage ONLY WHEN YOUR NOT GETTING ATTACKED. Use a shot rotation, it's not a replacement for arcane/multi's burst damage.

Warrior/Priest Combo


Kind of a tough one if your fighting a well geared warrior, but you won't ever see this combo in the 2k+ ratings, you will however see it in the lower brackets a lot so here's a strat:

Use frost trap, hug a pillar, keep viper sting on the priest until he's oom, constantly scatter shot the warrior every 30 seconds to keep him off your priest, concussive shot to slow him down so your priest can kite the warrior around if need be, 15 second intercept is rough so your priest has to be good at dodging it.

Kill priest first, then kill warrior, if your priest dies before the warrior, ouch, play smart keep range .

Warlock/Paladin Combo


Relatively easy fight. Hug a pillar, keep your pet on the paladin, use viper stings as often as possible on the paladin, keep frost trap down, everytime you see the warlock cast a spell scatter/silence, LOS the *%!@ out the warlock as often as you can, but if you have to jump into his line of sight do it to get a viper sting+Mana burn on the paladin. When paladin is drained you HAVE to kill the paladin, do not switch to the lock because 200 mana can heal a warlock to full for some **#@ing reason it's irritating you have to keep the paladin drained. He will bubble at some point, your priest should obviously mass dispell it.

This is a relatively EASY fight since they have no slowing other than Curse of Exhaustion which you rarely see a warlock use. It's clutch timing your scatters/silences accordingly.

Holy Priest / Shadow Priest Combo


You don't drain the holy priest first, you drain the Shadow Priest first, again hug your pillars pop out as often as possible and drain the shadow priest, make sure your priest isn't in LOS of the other priest so he doesn't get mana burned, use your silences and scatter shots accordingly.

They can easily bring your priest from 100% mana to 0% really fast so your priest has to play smart and you have to be clutch on stopping casts and slowing the other guys, I recommend using frost trap. This should be a REALLY easy matchup. Your priest should be dispelling the dots off you. When shadow priest is OOM you and your priest need to work on the holy priest and bring him to 0. Keep your pet on the holy priest at all times so your scorpid poison doesn't break CC on the shadow priest later. Shadow priests generally have a lower mana pool than holy ones. You won't see this combo too often.

Double Shadow Priest Combo


Yikes, lots of fear and damage potential, keep dispelling dots, LOS around pillars and keep a priest viper stung, once one is drained kill it, shouldn't be too hard to wreck these guys.

Holy Priest(Or Paladin) / Mage Combo


This can be somewhat tricky, like in Warlock/Mage combo's you NEED to kill the mage pet IMMEDIATELY, so you don't get bursted down, run circles around the pillar with frost trap and entrapment on the ground, your priest needs to avoid sheeps and to dispell frostnova off of himself and you as much as possible to avoid shatter combo's. The best thing to do against this combo is to keep VIPER sting on the mage until he's OOM, then focus on getting his healer mana burned.

Shaman / Warlock Combo


This is can be a really hard fight when the shaman pops Bloodlust/Heroism but they usually pop it early in the fight. If you can survive the 30 seconds that it's popped then your guaranteed to win. USUALLY this combo doesn't use soullink, so if you know for a fact the warlock isn't soullink KILL HIS PET so your priest can get OOC and drink.

Destroy totems as often as possible, keep viper sting on the shaman and whenever your priest can safely mana burn the warlock down DO IT. Depending on the spec of the warlock, IE if he's not soullink when the shaman is OOM kill the lock, if soullink kill the shaman first and then kill the lock, at that point keep viper sting on the warlock when the shaman is oom forcing him to lifetap.

Resto Druid / Rogue Combo


Yikes this is a TOUGH one, jesus, but it's doable, keep a flare on the ground and a snake trap, when the rogue finally attacks keep him slowed and off your healer, same as the Warlock/Rogue Combo help your priest kite the rogue around by keeping him slowed, predict vanishes.

Your going to be damaging the rogue as much as possible while keeping him slowed. The rogue will pop out to cast HOTS on the rogue, cast viper sting on the druid and have your priest IMMEDIATELY dispell the hots on the rogue. Doing so WASTES a TON of the druids mana, and eventually you will wear the druid OOM, keep your pet on the druid and keep an eye on your pet, the druid will try to root/sleep your pet so he can go drink do not let him get OOC. When you and your priest develop a strong synergy you will be able to still slow the rogue down while keeping the druid in combat as much as possible.

On occasion you will have to wing clip the rogue, Scatter shot him, and drop a freeze trap on him so your priest can get enough range to drink or kite more.

When the druid innervates make sure your priest dispells it, it's critical. Eventually you'll be able to kill the rogue. Use Scatter Shots on the rogue to give your priest as much room as possible, silence the druid everytime he pops out to try and cast cyclone and/or heal. Be smart, you MIGHT have to use scatter shot on the druid but you should be able too if your priest has enough room.

When druid is OOM burst down the Rogue.

This fight can go another way, if the rogue wants to kill me first it's obviously a lot harder, now your trying to avoid crippling poison and the rogue isn't taking any damage so you can't OOM the druid by dispelling his dots and getting range is tricky because of Deadly throw (Lamest ability ever, should not be spammable.) This is where 2 minute trinkets, and stoneform REALLY shine.

Use whichever trap you feel best using, I personally use freeze trap a lot against this combo since they have no dispell, it can be very clutch in your priest getting range and healing himself.

If you have a deadly throw on you and rogues gaining on you, when it wears off, pop deterrence, feign death, wing clip and run right through him as he approaches you. If deterrence is down, it's crucial you time feign death PERFECTLY as he'll lose his target at a critical moment enabling you to wing clip and gain range. Sometimes you get unlucky and boom he gets a crip proc on you.

But as long as your priest mana burns the druid as he pops out to heal/cyclone. You should OOM the druid pretty quickly.

Warlock / Druid Combo


Best thing to do in this fight is SPLIT up. Use all your DPS on the Warlock, keep your pet on the druid, when the druid pops out to HOT the lock my priest dispells the hots forcing the druid to heal, when he does that my priest fears the druid and gets like 2-3 mana burns off while I throw a viper sting on him. If they put the pet on your priest it's worth it to kill the pet twice, and your priest can fear + mana burn the druid if he pops out to heal the pet. Killing the pet means your priest can get OOC and he can drink. Pretty much keep your priest ON THE DRUID at all times, bring the fight with the warlock and his pet near your priest as much as possible so your not out of range or LOS of his heals. Eventually you should wear this combo down.

The priest is crucial in helping keep the druid in combat since the pet is unreliable due to sleep/roots, and it puts the druid in a bad position when he has to heal with my priest in his face ready to mana burn.



When it's a shaman warrior, make a macro that /target Windfury and kill the windfury totem as much as possible, use frost traps and have your priest kite around the pole while you drain the shaman, it's an extremely defensive fight since that warrior is beating the cow dung out of your priest. Do not let that warrior get close to your priest with windfury up, ever. Keep the warrior scattered wing clipped so your priest can kite away, the shaman will purge your priests buffs turning him into a thin layer of glass, so you and your priest are going to have to play very carefully. If your priest needs to get away to drink/heal and you can do this, scatter/FT if the warrior has used his trinket already.



CC the warrior as much as possible, heres a HUGE tip that I got from hunter forums, mark the warrior, bait him into a freeze trap and spam hunters mark on him so the paladin dispells that instead of freeze trap, it'll waste the paladins mana dispelling and it puts the paladin LOS so your priest can mana burn him. ON blades edge it's a good tip to mind control the warrior off the bridge to give your healer some time. (for your priest partner). Keep scorpid on the warrior so he doesn't land as many attacks.



It's a really scary fight. I played one, kill the enemy hunters pet, and make sure your pet stays alive, try to burn down as much of the hunters mana as fast as possible, keep your pet on the druid, it is imperative you kill that pet before the druid realizes whats going on so your priest can get OOC and drink, your going to really need it in this combo due to the lack of cleanse.

After the hunter is near oom, focus on DPSing the hunter to make the druid pop out of bear form and heal so he can attempt to be mana burned, keep the enemy hunter wing clipped every possible second so your priest can LOS as much of the hunter's viper stings as possible.

MODS / KEYBINDS I USE + Screenshot

Seriously though guys, you know what me and my priest use for movement keys?


Why? Gives us WAY more buttons around my movement keys to bind, my fingers rest correctly on the keyboard the way we learned how to type in keyboarding, I never lose my bearing on the keyboard because I know my pointer finger rests on the F button.

I use 1-5 normally then bind the rest of my keys around my movement keys listed below.

Here's a tip for people starting off with keybinds. Start off keybinding 3 of your favorite spells, play around with it for a day, next day add one more spell, then the next day at another spell, then the day after that add another spell, in less than a month you'll have everything important keybound and you'll be tearing it up.

I have zxcvbaghqwt as well as SHIFT+(Letter)

These are the mods I use:
Arena Live Frames
Arena Master
Baud Mount
ColaLight Con@#% v1.14.4
Improved Error Frame
Inflight ItemRack
JIM's Cooldown Pulse (This is the mod I use to flash my cooldowns when they are available.) MobHealth
Perl Unit Frames Zanzer's Hunter Mod

This is a screenshot of what my UI looks like:

I try to keep it as clutter free as possible.
