[Guide] Raiding with your pet: Tempest Keep

(This guide was created by Zoa, level 70 blood elf huter of the eu server, Vek'nilash. All credit is due to her for this wonderful guide. Date: 03/09/2007)

Tempest Keep
Lots of fire and arcane mobs - heck, nearly all mobs here have some sort of magic spell that can rip your ravager to ribbons if you are not carefull. If Tumbler dies too often, consider training some fire/arcane resistance on him.

Pet danger: High
Boss notes: Lots of things going on here, some which can instantly kill your pet. When Al'ar switches places, your pet might get aggro if it attacks straight away, and trust me, your pet can't hold up to the mighty phoenix. You might want to stop your pet as its running to a new position, just to give the tank some time to gain a bit of aggro. When Al'ar does his Fire Quill, be sure to recall your pet. When you get into Phase 2, you are probably best off dismissing or sacrificing your pet. It can be targeted for flame patch, which can hurt your tanks, it can be blown away by the phoenixes as your raid kills them, and it can be smashed by a meteor. Don’t let Wolfie die!

Void Reaver
Pet danger: High
Boss notes: While your pet wont be targeted for an arcane orb, it will be hit by pounding, doing around 2700 damage over 3 seconds to a pet with avoidance, every 15 seconds. A mend pet is usually enough to keep your pet up but you might want to recall it if it gets dangerously low on health. Be sure to make sure your pet is on the same side of Void Reaver as you are, so it is in range of mend pet and kill commands.

High Astromancer Solarian
Pet danger: Low
Boss notes: Your pet can be targeted for arcane missiles, but is otherwise pretty safe in this fight. Wrath of the Astromancer was changed in 2.2, and is no longer a risk to your pet. Confirmation needed: Im truly not sure. I did TK last week, and my pet didnt get targeted by wrath, and i cant imagine that the spell has been designed to blow your pet up into the air, but if somebody has seen otherwise, please let me know.

Kael'thas Sunstrider
Pet danger: Medium
Boss notes: Boy, Tempest Keep isn't a very pet-friendly place, and the fight against Kael is no different. Your pet *can* attack Thaladred the Darkener, but is in risk of getting a nasty rend on him. Your pet can go all out on Lord Sanguinar, but not on Grand Astromancer Capernian. It might help the raid on Master Engineer Telonicus, as it can be the recipient of remote toy. When the weapons spawn, keep it clear of the bow, and make sure that your pet attacks the shield from behind, which is actually the "outer" side of the shield. Steer your pet away from any AOE'ing phoenix', and at gravity lapse, be sure to recall your pet. If it keeps attacking Kael, it will die from the clouds around him. Mount Hyjal We travel back in time, to meet up with a lot of old friends. Shadow resistence can be helpfull, but it is not overly needed. Fire resistence can help aswell, but if your pet is caught in a fire attack, it wont matter much in the long run. Rage

Pet danger: Low
Boss notes: On the waves before Rage Winterchill, keep your pet away from those nasty abominations. When fighting Rage Winterchill himself, make sure your pet isn't standing in the Death & Decay (red bubbles) but that shouldn't be a surprise.

Pet danger: Low
Boss notes: Your pet is pretty much safe here. It will take hits from Carrion Swarm (which is migraded by Avoidence), but it wont be that difficult to keep it up. The only real threat would be AoE from the Towering Infernals if it would happend to spawn near the pet. Whiskers will not be targeted by the infernal spawn.

Pet danger: Low
Boss notes: This is a pretty straight forward fight, at least for your pet. Make sure that your pet stays behind Kaz'rogal to avoid his cleave, and you should be in the clear.

Pet danger: High
Boss notes: Azgalor's Rain of Fire will be the big issue here. Azgalor will target a random raid member and rain down fire (hence the name, her her her). In addition to the initial damage, it will place a dot on the target dealing some 1700 damage each second for five seconds, meaning your pet will take a total of 4250 damage from the dot. Your main priority should be to pull the pet out of Rain of Fire if it is cast on melee, and start mending. Your pet shouldnt be in any of the danger spots unless it has at least 50-75% hp and has a mend pet ticking on it. I suggest recalling it and keeping it near you until its healed, or until you have gotten a feel for the fight. Be sure to stand at max range so your are unlikely to get rain of fire while your pet is standing next to you. We wouldnt want Whiskers to be hit by another rain of fire when he runs to you, would we?

Pet danger: Insanely super humongusly high
Boss notes: Roll a dice. If you roll a six, you have probably wasted what little luck you had of keeping your pet alive on this fight. If you are a BM hunter, improved revive pet, and improved mend pet is a must here. The danger comes from Doomfire, a spell that Archimonde loves to use, and does so frequently. If your pet is hit by this, it will take 1200 damage, and a non dispellable dot that deals 20400 damage over the next 45 seconds.* Your pet will surely die from this, so if you are dependant on your pet, be sure to get it ressed again. Improved Mend Pet cant dispell the doomfire dot, but it can dispel Grip of the Legion, an attack that does 250,000 damage over 5 minutes. Your pet wont grant Archimonde a soul charge if it dies, but it will take damage once he uses that (2000-2500 damage).

* I am going to assume that the Doomfire is an area of effect attack, and thus lowered by avoidence, but the dot probably is not, so your pet will take the full damage. Confirmation on this is needed.

Black Temple You made it. You are finally here. Illidan is cowering in his little castle, and you come in at him hard, from the sewers. If you made it this far, then congratulations!

Some of the fights in The Black Temple can be punishing for your pet. If you want to ease your stress a bit, pump your pet full of shadow resistence and perhaps a bit of frost.

High Warlord Naj'entus
Pet danger: Medium
Boss notes: Your pet can take damage if it's standing next to somebody getting hit by a needle spine explosion, and it will take 4250 damage when his Tidal Shield is broken. Two mend pets should be enough to get it back to full health most of the time.

Pet danger: Medium
Boss notes: Your pet will be completely safe during phase 1, unless your offtanks are sleeping and your pet pulls aggro - which it wont. Suprisingly, the scary blue flames will not hurt your pet at all. When he goes into phase 2, however, thats an all different matter. Your pet will take damage from the volcanos that spawn, but while your pet will never be gazed, he will be killed if Supremus charges someone. For some reason, he does some AoE damage whenever he charges to a new target (if that target is within 40 yard range), which is sure to make short process of the pet. Keep him at your side in phase 2, and let him go all out in phase 1.

Shade of Akama
Pet danger: Low
Boss notes: If you are in one of the groups taking care of the Spiritbinders, Elementalists and Rogues, your pet might take aggro on one of them and get hurt, but if your tank is fast enough it shouldnt be a problem. I suspect that the pet might be able to tank the Spiritbinder while it gets burned down, which would let the tank build aggro on the Elementalist and the rogue - that all depends on what your kill order is, naturally.

Teron Gorefiend
Pet danger: Middle
Boss notes: This fight has a lot of factors and sadly, you cant control any of them. Your pet can be attacked by the blossoms, but it seems that it is safe for the Incinerate. Your pet can also be a target for the Shadowy Construct, but that is more of a blessing than a curse. Seeing how a Shadowy Construct severely gimps your group, it's better that a pet dies to it than a raid member. If you get Shadow of Death, keep your pet attacking while you run away and wait for your doom - your pet will despawn perfectly as you die, so your pet bar is free to display the ghost abilities.

Gurtogg Bloodboil
Pet danger: High
Boss notes: Gurtogg Bloodboil is a nasty boss, that has a lot of area, cone and cleave attacks, and your pet can suffer most of them. In an ideal world, your pet wouldnt have to take any damage at all, but the world is hardly ideal. Gurtogg Bloodboil is most dangerous in phase 1, so if you want to use your pet you have to plan ahead a bit. After a few tries you should see where your main tanks are tanking him, and in what direction he is facing. Then you have to make your pet idle so that when your tanks has aggro, your pet is directly behind him. About 5 seconds before he changes to phase 2, you should click passive on your pet bar, which will make it run back to the spot you assigned to it. This is a dangerous spot aswell, though, and your pet might be hit by both acid and geysers while Gurtogg Bloodboil runs for his target in phase 2. A much safer way is to have your pet by your side in phase 1 - or at least standing in the caster group since it shouldnt move with you when you move out to take the bloodboil. This will lower your damage output, but allow you to keep your pet up for longer if you are having problems. Be aware to make your pet stay at his original spot if you get Fel Rage. If your pet is standing next to you when you are tanking Gurtogg Bloodboil, it will surely die.