[Quick Guide] How to win the damage meter

(This guide was created by Isilwen, level 70 night elf hunter of the eu server. All credit is due to her for this guide. Date: 28/05/2007)

1] Specc 41/20/0 for optimal lulz. http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=ctbM0gxRwuVoVxbRV 2] Specc your pet with avoidence rank 2, highest possible dps talents (claw+bite or lightning breath) and Cobra Reflexes.
3] Dedicate your life to the following macro:

#showtooltip Steady Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/castsequence reset=3 Steady Shot, Auto Shot
/cast [exists,target=pettarget] Kill Command
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()

4] Spam it 'till your fingers hurt
5] Keep Hunter's Mark up and pop Beastial Wrath + Rapidfire + Trinket as soon as they are off cooldown.

I've been raiding a long time now with this specc, and it's still amazing. However the first specc i linked (
http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=mebM0xxRwuVoVVbRV) isn't really the cookie cutter one. I've realised too that imp mend pet is just too good to miss out on, so i removed points from Endurance Training to get that. Also I've had some comments about my choice to not take Imp. Hunter's Mark. We roll with 3 hunters normally, two of which have the talent so it felt kinda useless for me to take it. Anyway, I updated the original post to include these talents.

If you find yourself having manaproblems i would get Efficiency over Imp Mark.